Chiropractic Adjustments

Research shows us that chiropractic adjustments of certain, specific areas of the body with the right type of stimulation increase brain function. Using the results of the initial Stress Response Evaluation, Dr. Andrea tailors adjustments to stimulate the nerves in your body to teach them new neurological pathways — new “good brain habits.” By improving brain function, we can help you with current health issues and prevent symptoms from arising all together.
Unlike traditional chiropractors, our adjustments use light touch, are instrument-assisted and are specific to your needs based on the results of your initial Stress Response Evaluation. There is no popping, twisting or snapping. These adjustments are safe and effective for people of all ages, from newborns to folks in their twilight years.
Dr. Andrea uses a handheld ArthroStim instrument to perform adjustments. The ArthroStim delivers 12-14 incremental thrusts per second, which is much faster than a manual adjustment. The ArthroStim is more comfortable and efficient than traditional manual adjustments and greatly reduces the amount of force needed, making it more comfortable for people with injuries, infants and young children, those in acute pain and the elderly.
To learn more about the brain-based chiropractic services offered by Synaptic Chiropractic, click here. If you’re ready to set up an initial consultation with Dr. Andrea, call (207) 501-3511 or email

What To Expect
Adjustments take about 10 minutes each. During the adjustment, Dr. Andrea will use gentle touch and a handheld chiropractic instrument to target specific areas of your body that correspond to specific brain functions. She will use essential oils during the adjustment to help you relax and to teach your brain to associate the relaxation of specific muscles with specific essential oil scents. You’ll be sent home with a cotton pad that contains the essential oil used during your adjustment. We encourage you to sniff this throughout the day to remind your brain and body to relax.
Most patients report sleeping well the night of an adjustment. Some people may feel sore after adjustments, while others may not feel significantly different immediately after an adjustment. Everyone is different. Dr. Andrea will check in with you via telephone after your first adjustment to ensure that you are feeling good and to answer any questions you may have.
At Synaptic Chiropractic, all questions are welcomed and encouraged. If you have any questions during your adjustments or at any time, please ask! Knowledge is power. We look forward to working with you and your family to maximize your health potential.
If you have additional questions about what to expect during your first adjustment or if you’d like to schedule an appointment, call 207-501-3511 or email

Success Story
“I haven’t felt this good in years! No headaches, no pain, better sleep, more energy AND my golf game has even improved! I had gone to countless other doctors and specialists but going to Dr. Andrea was the best choice I’ve made!”