690 Stroudwater St. Westbrook, ME 04092
Synaptic Chiropractic - Westbrook, ME



Stress Blog

Stress. It’s everywhere. In today’s fast paced environment, it may not be surprising to hear that up to 95% of all disease and dysfunction has been related back to stress. But the question is–what can we do to avoid becoming a statistic? Luckily–there is a solution!...

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Healthy Kids

Our children are our most precious gifts. We want to give them the best life possible. Dr. Ella and Synaptic Chiropractic want to work with you in creating the healthiest kids and healthiest community in the nation! Research now shows that the current generation of...

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Peak Performance

Climbing to the top in today’s world is hard enough. Find out the hidden health secret that most pro athletes and stars use to help improve their quality of life! The brain is in control of every function of your body. So it only makes sense that improving brain...

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Syna-what?!? Mye-WHO?!?

Have you looked at our office’s name “Synaptic” and thought: “what does that mean!?!?” You aren’t alone! People often ask me what the name stands for and then gift me with an opportunity to not only teach them a new word–but to teach them what my office does! Synaptic...

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Words Of Wisdom Wednesday

It’s the first Wednesday of 2016! Let’s usher in the new year by celebrating some great “words of wisdom” every Wednesday this year! Of course, feel free to share your favorite quote for the week as well.TImeQuote “Time does not change us. It just unfolds us.” -Max...

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Vegus Baby

The Vagus nerve is all about regulation and balance–probably the opposite of the infamous Las Vegas we all know. And unlike Las Vegas, we all actually NEED to know what is happening with it. Enter this week’s blog post—the amazing, the wonderful, the ever so important...

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